7 Ways to Reduce Your Environmental Impact During the Pandemic

A lot of the conventional zero waste actions are not possible right now with the provisions being made to keep everyone safe. Grocery stores are not accepting your produce or shopping bags, cafes are not allowing reusable mugs, your jars are not welcome at bulk stores. However, there are still things we can do to reduce waste even with the current limitations.

1.     Shop Local

 One of the best things we can do right now to reduce our impact and support the economy is to shop from local vendors. This is for both local foods as well and other essentials goods such as cleaning and household products.


2.     Cook at Home

 With extra time at home, now is the best opportunity to ditch the takeout packaging and spend the extra time to make meals from scratch.


3.     Meal Plan

 Since most people are taking fewer trips to the grocery store, it is really important to meal prep to make sure no food is wasted. Ensure you have a plan for using up your fresh foods first so that they don’t spoil and supplement your meals with other goods you already have in your pantry.


4.     Compost

 If you have access to composting in your backyard, or city pickup on your street or at building, composting is one of the easiest ways to reduce your carbon footprint. With everyone doing a lot more cooking at home these days, composting your kitchen scraps is an easy way to reduce your impact. See why composting is so important here.


5.     Stick to the essentials

 While a lot of people are a little bored right now with spending a lot of time at home, it’s important to stick to the essentials. Do not buy stuff just because you are bored. If there is something you really need, try to support a small business that is struggling right now. Otherwise, ask yourself if this is something you really need or if you are just bored shopping.


6.     Walk to run errands

 If you are no longer commuting to work, use that extra time to walk or take your bike to run your errands. As most people are avoiding public transit, getting some exercise while picking up groceries can be a nice way to spend some time outside of the house while still social distancing.


7.     Make your own cleaning products

 It has been hard to find a lot of cleaning products in the stores since so many people have stocked up and are going through it a lot faster these days. However, I don’t like to buy the heavy-duty toxic cleaners. Regular soap and water have been proven to kill the virus just fine. Use up so rubbing alcohol, soap, vinegar and essential oils and make your own DYI cleaner.

I know the above options are not available or accessible to everyone, but I hope you can take a few ideas away! I hope everyone is staying safe out there!


The Truth About Composting


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